Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Desk cameras, more than they appear

Setting: I have prepared a lesson for a year 11 Multi-strand class, during the lunch break before the class, I head to the classroom to set up my laptop and make sure the power point will display correctly..... It's does not work, I have 10mins until class. What am I do??? In my attempts to get my laptop to display the power point through the interactive white board, I accidental turn on the desk camera, which projects onto the white board. The previous night before I had printed out a copy of the slides for my own reference I have these with me, why couldn't I use the desk camera to project these print outs? What could have been a rather stressful situation for a student teacher is resolved simply and effectively.

Desk cameras are a wonderful tool that can be utilised for positive learning outcomes in the classroom. After my slight debacle I was discussing the desk cameras with one of my mentor teachers, she said that she believed they were possibly one of the best technologies available to teachers in the classroom, especially for teaching and learning science. Just imagine the possibilities for performing demonstrations and reactions in front of the class, being able to engage the students because they can all easily see what is occurring. Another use would be carrying out experiments that may have safety concerns, the teacher is able to carry it out up the front, students at a safe distance but still able to see the reactions, this in many ways can increase the quality of learning.

Desk cameras in many ways can replace the overhead projector, they can do all the same applications plus additional functions and uses made possible through the digital accessibility of the modern classroom.

This is just a few example of the uses of desks cameras, I am sure there are plenty more and I look forward to developing my knowledge and understanding of further uses and applications to enhance students engagement and learning outcomes.

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