Thursday, April 29, 2010

The use of videos in the classroom

Videos can be very useful tools to engage learners in the classroom, especially shorter interesting clips that extend on information the students have already learnt or know. They could also be utilised as the "hook" for a learning experience to draw students engagement into the lesson.

I was discussing the use of videos with one of the science teachers and he advised me that the school I am at has a resource called Click View, which is basically an online library of a whole collection of videos that can be used directly over the intranet or saved on the teachers computer for use in class. In schools where such useful resource is not available, YouTube has an amazing collection, I don't think there is much available that you can not find on YouTube.

Below is a video from YouTube that talks about Global Warming.

And here is a cool little clip from a BBC production called Weird Nature

I can see the integration of these types of clips as part of a learning experience would enhance the value and the engagement of students, Dale's cone suggests that video/TV is a more effective learning tool then, verbal, visual, audio and still picture and motion pictures.


Active Learning online

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