Sunday, April 25, 2010

Social diversity

Something that did get me thinking on ICT's is that we will need to be very careful not to disadvantage students who don't have home access to different technologies and further widen the gap of social- economic diversity. In the classroom using school property this would not be such an issue but if we expect students to access blogs or wiki's on the Internet at home, we would need to be careful that all students first have access to Internet facilities. Just a bit of food for thought of some possible issues with ICT implementation outside the classroom.


  1. Hi Emma,

    This is an issue that I have come across within my EPL already. I have found that most teachers are willing to open up classroom with internet access at lunch time and after school (as well as the use of the library) to those students without access at home. This could be seen as a further disadvantage due to them having to stay at school after hours. It has also been discussed that students without computer access at home be allowed to submit hand written work and use over head projectors and the like for presentations.

    You do raise a very interesting point though and it is something that we, as teachers, need to be aware of.

    Warm Regards,
    Mackay (FT)
    Secondary (Multistrand sci and biol)

  2. Hi Chloe,

    I have not come across this issue yet, but it is good to hear an example where teachers are willing to do the best they can to not disadvantage these students and more so are aware of the social diversity to begin with.


    Emma Eborn
    Gladstone (FT)
    Secondary (Biology & Multi-strand)
