Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Problems with ICT intergration

ICT's are a fantastic resource, they allow for immediate learning in the case of the Internet and search engines, the answers are literally at students fingertips, they also allow for student centered and higher ordered thinking if used effectively. The use of ICT's often involve authentic tasks which are engaging for students and relevant to real life. However, teachers are very much limited by the resources and facilities available and also by their abilities and creativity in designing and implementing learning experiences that utilise ICT's to their full potential.

Often the reliability of technology is often brought into question, I would like to mention here that often this could be a result of user inability and not so much the technology but there are occasions when servers go down or the technology simply will not work.

I had an experience yesterday in my 11 Multi class where I had designed a PowerPoint for the first section of a learning experience, however, possibly due to my lack of knowledge, the projector would not register my laptop. Luckily I had another ICT option available to me and I used the desk camera to project my printed slides onto the interactive whiteboard. The students were quite impressed and we had a discussion about the desk camera and I demonstrated other functions that we could use in later lessons. I guess being flexible and having resources available definitely helped in this case.

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