Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Voki Avatars

I have had a little play with the voki avatars and created the guy below, I had in mind a year 11 Multi-strand class that I have been teaching who will be beginning an Environmental Unit shortly. While I think perhaps they might be a little old and vokis may be a little more suited to the younger grades, the introduction of one of these guys every now and then would definitely be an attention grabber. Vokis could be utilised in the classroom as a fun, interesting and unique way of presenting important points, or telling students their next task. Bringing interesting and authentic components into the classroom has positive outcomes on students learning outcomes by encouraging positive student additudes(Marzano & Pickering, 1997). Vokis could be integrated into learning outcomes to help students establish positive attitudes and perceptions about the subject and that learning can be a fun and enjoyable process (Marzano & Pickering, 1997).

Here is my little fella telling us about the three R's, hope you like

Get a Voki now!


Marzano, R. & Pickering, D. (1997). Dimensions of learning: teacher's manual (2nd ed.). Alexandria: ASCD

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