Sunday, April 25, 2010

iPod's in the classroom the debate.

Could iPod's be used in the classroom as a viable teaching resource? Or would they be too much of a distraction to students?

Why couldn't iPods offer a unique way for students to learn, and what a great resource for children who are strongly audio learners.

The sites below have some good examples of how iPods could be used in the classroom.

Educational world

iPods in Education

The below video also offers some unique ways to introduce iPods into the classroom to engage students.

A problem would be having the resources to purchase or use a class set of iPods. Lynch's 8 LMQ - Question 4 - What resources do I have? (Smith, Lynch & Mienczakkowski, 2003)

What about students bringing their own iPods into class could this be a resource to utilise??

Most schools have a ban on the use of iPods in the class room but couldn't teachers use iPods in the classroom for positive learning outcomes?

Watching my younger sister study she always has her iPod in listening to music to help her concentrate and 'zone' out everything else. Now while I do not benefit from listening to music, I believe I am too easily distracted, by not allowing students the opportunity to work in the way that best suits them are we disadvantaging these students? I asked her if she thought in a classroom it would help her work and she said yes, it helps her zone everyone else out so she can concentrate on her work, she said it would be especially useful in revision lessons.

The use of iPods in the classroom would need to be monitored carefully and with students having a clear understanding of the expectations. While I don't believe they would be useful in all lessons, the learning outcomes for students if implemented effectively could be very valuable.

When considering the use of students iPods in the classroom, again the have and have nots debate needs to be considered, so students are not disadvantaged in any way.


Smith, R., Lynch, D. & Mienczakowski, J. (2003). "The bachelor of learning management (BLM) and education capability", Change: Transformations in Education, (6)(2): 23--37. Accessed from

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